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How to SEO-optimize your agency profile

With’s high domain authority and your agency profile crawled by web browsers, you have a powerful piece of online real estate that helps insurance buyers find you.
Published: May 24, 2021

The internet is a crowded place, but we’ve got you covered.

With’s high domain authority and your agency profile crawled by web browsers, you have a powerful piece of online real estate that helps insurance buyers find you.

Have you taken a little time to SEO-optimize your profile? Let’s get to it!

Step one, pick keywords to rank for in your agency profile.

Keywords are the words or phrases you want to rank for in online search results. For example, if you want to rank for Milwaukee business insurance along with your specialty, bakery insurance in Wisconsin, these are the words to focus on in your profile, including them in places such as your About Us description, client reviews and agency video.

Step two, create original, unique copy that includes your keywords.

Google’s web crawlers don’t like duplicate copy found elsewhere on the web—it downgrades your ability to rank in search because you look less legit.

As in the keyword example in step one, if you want to rank for Milwaukee business insurance, you’re competing against others trying to rank for the same keyword phrase. So, you’ll first need to search Milwaukee business insurance to see what page 1 results already includethen look for something different and unique to say, and include that in your profile.

Step three, engage visitors on your profile.

The amount of time a visitor spends on your agency profile influences your ranking abilities—the longer the better. Three super easy things you can do to boost on-page time is to include content that engages visitors.

  • Featuring engaging pictures of your team or something that shows your personality leads to longer on-page time.
  • Another easy way to amp up page time is featuring client reviews. Reviews are awesome because they do double SEO-duty, increasing both time on the page AND giving you keyword juice. Referencing the keyword example above, if you want to rank for bakery insurance, add reviews that highlight your niche expertise. This not only keeps eyes on your page longer, it’s a powerful way to include keywords—and boost consumer confidence in your niche services.
  • Oh, and don’t forget the power of video—featuring a video about your agency is also an ideal way to serve up relevant, interesting content to showcase your expertise and up your profile page time.

“Posting engaging photos, keyword-rich reviews and a unique video on your agency profile encourages visitors to linger a little longer—that’s a good thing.”

Step four, promote your Advantage profile. Everywhere.

Your final step is to increase page visits, so you need to get creative in how you drive people to your profile, get them to share it, etc.

How? By sharing your profile link everywhere it adds value.

That means including it in social profiles, in social posts, ask followers to (please!) share it, put it in your e-mail signature, include it in your agency newsletter—you get the idea!

All that’s left to do is log in to your account, click Agency Profile > Basic Info > and get to work!

As always, if you need support please contact us.

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