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  1. IA Advantage Blog
  2.  » NEW! Enhanced Business Radius for Improved Prospect Targeting

NEW! Enhanced Business Radius for Improved Prospect Targeting

Independent insurance agents can expand their preferred business radius to connect with prospects they want to work with. Here's how.
Published: July 24, 2023
Expand your business radius to connect with insurance prospects on

At, our processes and algorithms are always evolving to support the IA channel and connect independent insurance agents with active insurance prospects they want to work with. One of the many ways we do this is by listening and reacting to agent feedback. Agents want to fine-tune the types of insurance prospects they’re connecting with, and we’ve found a way to do just that: by allowing you the flexibility to expand your business radius.

Read on to see how customizing your agency’s business radius increases your likelihood of receiving high-quality, appetite-matching referrals—plus all the other updates which put the ability to curate your ideal pool of insurance prospects in your hands.

Broaden Your Scope with a More Flexible Business Radius

Advantage Professional and Advantage Specialist agents can now increase or decrease their preferred business radius using the distance settings on the ‘Agency Profile’ tab within their Agent Portal. This update allows agents to reduce their scope to as little as one mile away from their agency location or broaden their scope and be recommended to insurance prospects up to 250 miles away from their agency location. If an agent is licensed to sell in another state, they also now have the option to list those states on their Advantage profile and be recommended to prospects across state lines on our agency results page.

Independent insurance agents can increase or decrease their business radius to match with the right insurance prospects

NOTE: By default, the profile radius will be set to 250 miles from the agency location. Agents can reduce this radius at any time through the distance settings in their Agent Portal.

Expand Your Claim-it Notifications Radius

Claim-it Referral notifications radius can now be set from one to 250 miles from their agency location, or they can opt to receive statewide Claim-it Referral notifications. In the Team Members tab of the Advantage Professional profile, agents may choose to receive Claim-it notifications from other states if they have a license to conduct business there.

The Claim-it radius update allows users to determine where their Claim-it Referral notifications come from and help eliminate notification fatigue from insurance prospects outside their preferred regions of business. Not signed up for Claim-it? Get a demo. 

Claim-it Referral Notifications Settings

If there are no states selected to receive Claim-it Referral notifications on the agent’s profile, our system will warn the agent that they will receive no notifications until a state has been added.

Another feature that helps reduce notification fatigue is the agent’s ability to choose the time periods in which they would like to receive Claim-it Referral notifications. Agents can now toggle among time zones to ensure they’re getting referral notifications when they want them.

Setting your preferred business radius can help you connect with your ideal type of insurance consumers. There is no better time than now to sign up for Advantage. If you’re not already an Advantage Professional subscriber, you can learn more about Advantage Professional, get a demo with an account executive, or purchase your subscription right now from our store.

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