Fred Lautenbach
Lautenbach Insurance Agency
Littleton, CO
“It’s been fantastic…To have that flow [of referrals] is very helpful, and it continues to grow our business, that’s for sure.”
“We’ve had some huge success stories…We’ve written some manufacturers that have come to us through TrustedChoice[.com]…I think the largest account we’ve written happened to be an engineer…It was about $65,000.”
“Probably 80-85% of the leads we get in are solid and are good opportunities…I love the format that we are connected to a national organization as well…We can do all of our own SEO marketing, we can’t compete with the Progressives and the auto insurance carriers of the world. This is another way to get our foot in the door, so to speak, with SEO marketing.” is the #1 online resource for connecting insurance buyers with independent insurance agents. We rank high in Google search results and have had over 30 million insurance shoppers visit Become a recommended agency on today. Learn more.
Company Partners: Safeco, Liberty Mutual, Travelers, Auto Owners
Keywords: leads: 2-3/week, recommendations, growth, large accounts written, premium amount: 65,000, ROI, SEO, quality leads: 80-85%, national platform, marketing dollar, satisfaction