How Much Does Home Insurance Cost?

(Get your answers from an expert and find the coverage you need.)
Written by Marty Agather
Written by Marty Agather

Marty Agather is the Vice President of Client Experience for He started his insurance career by filling multiple roles over a 10-year span in a mid-sized independent agency in Chicago, Illinois. Marty also writes for various insurance magazines and blogs and co-hosts a weekly podcast at

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Q: How much does home insurance cost?

I am in the process of buying my first house. How much should I expect home insurance to cost? If I ask my friends and family what they pay for home insurance, will that give me a good estimate?

A: Home insurance costs vary widely based upon a number of variables, including the structure of your home, where it is located, and the cost to rebuild the structure in the event of damage. This can make it very hard to compare costs with a friend, whose circumstances might be very different. The best way to get an idea of the cost of house insurance is to talk with a trusted insurance advisor, who can walk you through the process.

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